While lying down on my bed, i remembered an incident that happened around 3 months back on one of my outings among some friends and I smiled at myself. So I thought of sharing it with you, maybe it will help bring some smiles to some faces out there.
It was during one of my escapades with my friends, we went to a sea-side here in Malaysia. I was swimming with my friends cracking jokes and so on when I noticed a girl at about 3 metres from me and she was around 20 years old looking lost and searching panicly around her. As you know, I am a gentleman in disguise so I approached her and seeing me coming near... Here is where the hilarious part started:
She: "Adik blablablabalabla...."speaking in malay"...
Me: "Kak I do not speak malay, Can you pls speak in english?"
She: "Oh sorry, I am telling you I lost my spectacles while swimming, it felt from my face just here, can you help me find it please?"
Me (thinking amusely why would someone swim with her spectacles on): "why did you bring your spectacles with you?"
She: "I was not supposed to swim that far, I just wanted to get a little bit wet then I would join my friends for lunch".
Me:"Wet...........(don't judge me on that because I'm a guy afterall)"
She"Yea wet....(then she realised why I repeated it with an amusing smirk on my face and she turned red completely)"
Me:"ok ok ok if it felt down here, it must be around here itself..just don't move too much, I gonna help you."
As I approached the place where the spectacle felt in the sea, I stopped swimming and try to walk on the sand as slowly as possible just not to make the water sandy. While walking around trying to figure where the spectable was.. I felt a sudden crack under my feet. And a horrible thought came to my mind. Can you guess what the thing that made the cracking sound..?
I'm sure you can.. I continued making as if I am looking then I said: "I am running late so Got to go and I am sorry for your spectacle"..
She:"Thank you very much for your help".
I turned around and left the sea but a terrible guilty feeling was building up inside but I continued going...
Later in the afternoon i saw her with some bunch of friends playing volleyball.. I approached her and said if she can see properly without her spectacles.. and guess what was the answer?
"Oh I can see properly, the spectacle was just the cheap sunglass I bought in the morning because of the sun" and she bursted out laughing...
And I felt like a real dumb guy but it was a lucky encounter as that girl turns out to be the cousin of Puteri Aideeni, one of the university friends of my sister :)
Tantric Trauma
4 hours ago
good one
<< WET >>
it is strange that when i saw one comment, i know it was you and u gonna comment on this "wet" without me even opening it,uh? :D
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