'The filter must be cleansed atleast twice a year. Encircle two months of the year with an interval of 6 months. In order to remove the filter....'
As she read further she looked at her modern looking transparent hoover fitted with full anti-allergic system which her husband particularly considered while buying the hoover-keeping specially in mind her allergy to house dust. "How come I missed this. Good Gosh! How could I miss such an important point. I never even removed this filter in the past five years, let alone washing it twice a year. Perhaps thats why the hoover outlet got blocked a couple of times and we had to take it to the company for repair. Luckily it did not give any serious problem still." She was thankful but regretfully.
But it took her to the fact that we keep spending our nights and days without being aware of our filter system, our Conscience, which needs cleansing regularly. Without its regular cleaning, how can we expect that it would warn us on our wrong actions. How to cleanse it though? Its not as simple as the filter of the hoover. "Wash under cold water and let the water run untill clean water starts flowing out of the filter. Let it dry under a radiator for 12 hours. The filter is now ready to be re-fitted!"
Our filter cannot come out in our hands and there is physically none of the tap waters, mineral waters, the sai'n baba's/saint's river water or the Zam-Zam can wash it. But the Creator has made all the arrangements for it's cleansing in the form of the teachings and practices sent from Him. It's just the matter of being aware of the need to clean this filter regularly and then being prepared to spend time on this job-out of our such busy lives. Even the prayers, fasting and alms giving is a part of this cleansing procedure.
Besides these basic regular practices we ought to spare some time reading and understanding such and extended teachings in order to educate this Conscience so that it is able to filter all the faults in time leaving the outlet of our actions un-blocked. Otherwise it's highly likely that the system might break down...
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2 hours ago