Bored again, hence blogging a bit to take out the inner stress. You guys already know that life isn't that wonderful for me right now, I don't know but something really fishy must be missing as I'm feeling extremely drained and sleepy. No matter how much caffeine I'm engulfing in this body of mine, I end up sleeping. It seemed that my bed and me have become best buddies lately.
Today I went for a meeting at ISD for the coming Eid program, and guess what? I ended up with the special task role, designing posters-banners etc.. Duh who said guys can't be creative enough,huh? Now I'm stuck with a Tuesday deadline to submit these and I've another meeting for a seminar on Monday. Right now I am feeling the urge of running away with all these stress and go hide in a chalet where no one can find me. But wait a second!!?
Isn't it me who's putting me in such stressful schedule? On top I've to run my ass red during rugby training.. Pfff soo much responsibilities at such a young age will make my arteries burst sooner or later. Well I would advice myself to slow down but somehow I'm a very stubborn guy. Having a stressful schedule and life is becoming so boring and just like a military routine doesn't combine with a nomadic guy like me, i mean for the meantime. Hell I want to get a job and start earning some real bucks like before! Fate doesn't smile at you all the time so you need to learn about realities the hard ways. Guess the only moment I feel relaxed is when I'm listening to "Painted Memories" and trying to grind the song from my acoustic guitar. Don't ask me, I'm no good but it makes me happy hearing my roomates shouting after every 5mins :"Shut the fuck up dude"! " Go play your rattle drum outside".
phones only
2 hours ago