There is an old Greek fable which is quite popular among kids around the world; it is about the story of a fox, who tries really hard to get his hands on a tasty vine of grapes. The fox tries and he tries, but eventually he fails in all of his attempts to acquire the grapes; at which point the fox calmly continues with his life by convincing himself that he really didn't want those grapes that badly afterall.
There is a common wisdom in this tale that I want to share with you, that is, how we deal with being thwarted in our desires. Nowadays there are so many people live in denial after having their desires being crushed so easily out there and being too afraid to face the truth, they prefer to continue living in the fantasy of their own world that they have created instead of facing the reality and carrying on living their life with the hope that sooner or later, they are going to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
There is a question for us to ask ourselves instead of going to hide in denial and it is what if the fox tried, tried, tried and finally obtained the grapes and with lots of pain and much effort, he finally got them but unfortunately, let us say they are too sour for him or maybe it is not up to his taste or liking.
What is the result? He has drained his energy completely and the grapes were just too sour or he didn't like its taste. Well another complication would arise which is frustration, anger and so on.
I don't mean not to strive for what you really desire but I just want to show that there is a chance, or there might be a chance that the very thing you are desiring so much is what you have the most chance not to achieve no matter how much effort to put it.
There is no need to exhaust yourself to gain something that is out of your reach. Just go with the flow is what is needed most of the time and just don't let your aims and ambitions get blurred in the process. Go step by step along the road of destiny without trying to gain something out of your reach. Do not try to run when you are still crawling, you will reach a certain point in your life and when you will look back, you will be surprise and regret that you wasted so much energy on something you desired but now you see it wasn't of any good to you.
So whenever you feel stuck and can't get what you want, just allow your heart to let it go as there is a chance you might not like is even if it is the most desirable thing you've ever come across or you might encounter a better one in the future which is way much better than this one. So do no despair and say that life is not being fair to you. Life is poker, you just need to know when to call, when to raise, when to fold and when to cash out.
Tantric Trauma
4 hours ago
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