    Why going for therapy, when blogging is free :)

Oops! the Filter needed Cleansing too...

'The filter must be cleansed atleast twice a year. Encircle two months of the year with an interval of 6 months. In order to remove the filter....'

As she read further she looked at her modern looking transparent hoover fitted with full anti-allergic system which her husband particularly considered while buying the hoover-keeping specially in mind her allergy to house dust. "How come I missed this. Good Gosh! How could I miss such an important point. I never even removed this filter in the past five years, let alone washing it twice a year. Perhaps thats why the hoover outlet got blocked a couple of times and we had to take it to the company for repair. Luckily it did not give any serious problem still." She was thankful but regretfully.

But it took her to the fact that we keep spending our nights and days without being aware of our filter system, our Conscience, which needs cleansing regularly. Without its regular cleaning, how can we expect that it would warn us on our wrong actions. How to cleanse it though? Its not as simple as the filter of the hoover. "Wash under cold water and let the water run untill clean water starts flowing out of the filter. Let it dry under a radiator for 12 hours. The filter is now ready to be re-fitted!"

Our filter cannot come out in our hands and there is physically none of the tap waters, mineral waters, the sai'n baba's/saint's river water or the Zam-Zam can wash it. But the Creator has made all the arrangements for it's cleansing in the form of the teachings and practices sent from Him. It's just the matter of being aware of the need to clean this filter regularly and then being prepared to spend time on this job-out of our such busy lives. Even the prayers, fasting and alms giving is a part of this cleansing procedure.

Besides these basic regular practices we ought to spare some time reading and understanding such and extended teachings in order to educate this Conscience so that it is able to filter all the faults in time leaving the outlet of our actions un-blocked. Otherwise it's highly likely that the system might break down...

When Life is a Mess.....



Lately things have been so stressed for you
It seems like life is trying to mess with you
and pester you

You thought you knew exactly what to best pursue
You working hard on those things that you set to do
But you confess it’s true that your success is few
And your folks are only helping in depressing you
You try to do the Deen but they be stressing you
And then it gets to you but you suppress that too.

An exam, you go and study day and night
You pray and write, hope for a grade you like
But when you get the test you’re in dismay and fright
There’s no A in sight and only eight were right

And what about that sister you inquired about?
She’s so pious devout that it required a scout.
But then you get the news her Wali fired you out
They were wired, no doubt, to someone higher in clout

Lately it seems that you’re calling in life
is just you falling and strife
The word appalling is right

And you notice you’ve been feeling sick
Why who knows?
So you call upon the doctor
she can eye it close;
She tells you I suppose
that you wont be very happy
when I diagnose;

Although you try your hardest not to cry it shows;
It’s a monster load,
And your strength is sinking
you start wondering and thinking

What’s going on?
It seems all wrong
Why am I the one struggling along…?

I don know why I’m hurting, I never hurt no body
My life I’m living right but its crumbling around me
How strong is my faith this time? (Got to pass the test)
Does my solution include Haraam? (Got to pass the test)
I gotta be strong during times like these (Got to pass the test)
I know after hardship there goes ease! (Got to pass the test)

It’s a test (From Allah)
It’s a test (From your Lord)
It’s a test (What you gonna do?)
Gotta realise it’s a test
It’s a test (From Allah)
It’s a test (From your Lord)
It’s a test (What you gonna do?)
Gotta realise it’s a test

Folks used to say you was a smarty kid
Others made mistakes but you hardly did
Since then, man, life has just been marvellous
You stand tall like an obelisk
It’s obvious
Your high paying job was never arduous
You living in the crib and you got marble this and marble that

Others dream to rival that
And you’re blessed to never draw major debt

Because success is your motto nothing keeps you down
Passing peeps in town by, yo, by leaps and bounds

People clapping when you talk because they deep renown
You drive Hummers and top model jeeps around

You know its bad and haram to be a miser and boast
But you’re healthier and wealthier and wiser than most
You got an advisor to those, who try to propose
Because there’s so many potentials that they line up in rows

You got it all, the power, the money, the wealth
You’re thinking God’s gotta love you more than anyone else

But wait!

Whoa, wait a second, this isn’t what you’re thinking
You gotta stop and think why you getting all the blessings

Don’t wanna let it shake ya
Or let the devil make ya
Forget to praise Allah and then fail the test you’re taking

No doubt you gonna try your best (Got to pass the test)
Gonna be thankful and pray no less (Got to pass the test)
Already got your head up above the rest (Got to pass the test)
Cause you realise this is just a test (Got to pass the test)

It’s a test (From Allah)
It’s a test (From your Lord)
It’s a test (What you gonna do?)
Gotta realise it’s a test
It’s a test (From Allah)
It’s a test (From your Lord)
It’s a test (What you gonna do?)
Gotta realise it’s a test

So, face it, in life you’ll be tested at times
The devil, he’s bright,
don’t let him mess with your mind;

Yo the Blessed Divine wishes the best for mankind
So He gives us exams
so don’t get stressed out and whine

Even the best of all humanity was tested Himself
Can you hold back from profanity and focus yourself
Or maybe keep away from vanity and function in stealth

It’s tough, trust me,
I know that it’s rough
But after pain comes ease
and you’ll be blessed from above

I hope when the time for my test comes along
I will cope and I’ll find I’ll be blessed when I'm strong

So my people, WHEN LIFE IS A MESS
You gotta focus
And realise
This could be YOUR test.

Ten Things We Waste.

Ten Things We Waste

1. Our Knowledge: Wasted by not taking action with it.

2. Our Actions: Wasted by committing them without sincerity.

3. Our Wealth: Wasted by using on things that will not bring us ajr (reward from Allah). We waste our money, our status, our authority, on things which have no benefit in this life or in akhirah (hereafter).

4. Our Hearts: Wasted because they are empty from the love of Allah, and the feeling of longing to go to Him, and a feeling of peace and contentment. In it's place, our hearts are filled with something or someone

5. Our Bodies: Wasted because we don't use them in ibadah (worship) and service of Allah.

6. Our Love: Our emotional love is misdirected, not towards Allah, but towards something/someone else.

7. Our Time: Wasted, not used properly, to compensate for that which has passed, by doing what is righteous to make up for past deeds.

8. Our Intellect: Wasted on things that are not beneficial, that are detrimental to society and the individual, not in contemplation or reflection.

9. Our Service: Wasted in service of someone who will not bring us closer to Allah, or benefit in dunyaa.

10. Our Dhikr (Remembrence of Allah): Wasted, because it does not effect us or our hearts.


“Yo man! We are the modernized generation of Islam”—“Yo man! Kami adalah generasi Islam yang moden”. This idea or rather concept is engraved in most of our Muslim youth of nowadays. We can not deny that fact even if we want to. We Muslims are pleased with the idea of being modern-Oh modern idea for modern Muslims! We get excited about the future as modern ideas manifest in a brighter existence for modern Muslims. Wearing the latest style, knows the newest dances and songs, the cutting-edge technologies are among our extreme obsessions today. We feel the bitterness about the past as it keeps haunting us with its backward, extremist ways—not at all modern of course.

So we modern Muslims with our modern ideas and conceptions set off on a journey. Our Goal and Mission? To change the “old and out of date” Islam into a new, stylish, flashy and attractive Islam!! We set ourselves to mould Islam and configure it to fit into this modern world created by us, to fit our modern lifestyles, our modern ideas.

BUT have we ever pondered upon that—exactly what is a modern Muslim??

If ever we get an answer to that question, then it means we are just a bunch of pathetic Muslims! It is just us, pathetic Muslims who are pretending that Islam which is a perfect way of life is not actually perfect, that it doesn’t fit the way we live today in this westernized world. We somehow think that Islam; a religion not limited by time is suddenly old, backward and extreme nowadays. With this “modern” idea of ours, we claim that we have the absolute right to “adjust” Islam to fit our lifestyle instead of just adjusting our lifestyle to fit Islam.

But perhaps the most disturbing factor of this modernization is when we Muslims begin to manipulate the Quran and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet(pbuh). Though we are very slow to realize it, many among us are beginning to consider themselves as superior to the Muslims, the Scholars, the Sahabi and most devastating, even the Prophet (pbuh). Remember we are modern Muslims and they are not! We may not consciously say: “I am better than them” but our actions, as the cliché goes speak far louder than our futile words. We modern Muslims pounce on any chance to justify our lifestyles within the boundaries of Islam. Hence if anything in Islam just does not “fit” with the rest of Western society, we constantly seek moral justification in Islam to allow us to act the way we do.

Islam has become a game of multiple choice, where we pick and choose the part we want to obey and skim over the parts we would rather leave “open to interpretation” and it turns out if we think about it that our own individual faith is in serious trouble. The debate over hijab and the "Islamizing" of the Prom are just two examples among many that shows how Muslims are increasingly attempting to make Islam more "attractive" and non-threatening in our Western world when in fact, if we truly understand the essence and root of our own faith we would be blessed to know that Islam never was and never will be "unattractive" or "out-of-date" nor is it threatening when understood with a clear, open and intelligent mind.

We have deleted from our heart-disk that the world is just like a waiting room for us Muslim. We have lost our identity as true Muslims. We have make our secondary goal in this world our priority! We are seeking for heaven in this world itself even if we know that this is not possible in any way. We have been blinded by the modern aspects of this world that we can not figure out what we should be doing exactly. Oh Muslims! It is not yet late to make it back where we should have been standing; as an example for the rest of humanity just like our Prophet (pbuh) did. There are several factors that are preventing us to realize it and to feel the heavenly taste of spiritualism.

We all believe in Allah but yet we do not fulfill his commands. It is time for us Muslims to be awake before it is too late. We should stop living in our dreams and face the reality! Young people may think Islam is too "old fashioned" and not in tune with the modern age. But we are forgetting that Islam gives us focus and an understanding of who we are and where we are going, which most of "teen culture" does not.

Ask yourself these 4 questions:

a. Where am I going in life and what would make me really happy deep down inside?
b. What do I believe?
c. Who should I be grateful to?
d. Did I get to where I am today without the help of anyone?

You will realize after answering these four above questions that we are being artificial to our true identity. We love the Prophet (pbuh) but we don’t follow his sunnah. We read the holy Quran but we do not put it into practice. We enjoy all the benefits from Allah but we are not grateful to Him. We acknowledge Shaitan as our enemy but yet we do not go against him. We all want to enter Paradise but we do not work for it. We do not want to be thrown into Hell-Fire but we do not try to run away from it. We believe that every living thing will face death but we are not prepared for it. We gossip and find faults in others but we forget our own faults and bad habits. We bury the dead but yet we do not take a lesson from it.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, it is time for us to awake! We need to realize that we are just being fooled by this world and Shaitaan is making his best for make us fall for it! Let our tears wash our silliness and foolishness away by asking for forgiveness from Allah. Let us prepare ourselves to face what will be coming afterwards. Let us count for ourselves before we are counted in front of the supreme and ultimate court of Allah.

Umar Ibn al-Khattab [ra] said: "Hold yourself accountable before you are held accountable and weigh your deeds before they are weighed for you."

"For to us will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy Quran 88:25-26)


Sometimes in life, we take things for granted, it is only when we can not get hold of them again that we realize their values. Even though, we all know that it is a fact and it is bound to happen. We can't deny that human beings are weak and we are all imperfect. After thinking a lot, i've come to the conclusion that why should we strive so much when we are only a bunch of weaklings and imperfect souls. Well the only answer that echoes back into my brain is that we are not perfect but we should strive to become one even though it's impossible. When you are living for a dream, you can do everything in your power to achieve this dream, but after achieving it, what would be your aim to live now??!

Well sometimes you need an impossible dream, something you know that you won't ever be able to achieve but for sure you'll keep trying as it brings you peace, harmony, satisfaction in your heart, brain and soul. The important thing here is that you'll keep trying till the end, wrestling with yourself, with the humanity to try making your dream come true. We should live for something that would make us live for tomorrow, always looking forward for the next opportunity.

There is one such dream that if you strive here, you'll attain it and it will the the epilogue of your material life. That dream is to die as a muslim and get Allah's satisfaction and paradis in the progress. How many among us have this dream engraved in us? How many among us know the fact that we will be accountable for the life that we got here? How many among us who know it but ignore it completely in the dream of catching a materialistic paradis? Are we looking for temporary success or the eternal one? It's time for us to stop and think about what we have done till now, it is enough? it is acceptable that we continue our life the way it is now?

I know it is very hard to do it if we are too much engrossed in this world. That's why after much reflexion, i decided to came up with some questions that will make you assess your life easier. Make good use of it and most of all, be sincere to yourself as you'll be examining yourself with no one to make sure you're cheating on yourself or not. So let us be completely sincere to ourselves in answering these questions and decide what we really need to do after we got the answer. It will depend solely on your own reactions and I sincerely wish you best of luck!


Have you prayed Fajr, every day with the group, in the Masjid?

Did you perform all of the prayers daily inside the Masjid, with the group?

Did you read from the Book of Allah (Qur’an) today?

Did you mention Allah (SWT) and Glorify Him after each prayer?

Did you keep the extra prayers (Sunnah) before or after each prayer?

Were you concentrating daily on your prayers by meditating on what you said in your prayers?

Have you remembered Death and the grave today?

Have you thought about the Day of Judgment and its overwhelming hardship?

Have you asked Allah (SWT) three times to permit you into Paradise? Because if you say: Oh! Allah, permit me into Paradise, three times, the Paradise will reply: Oh! Allah (SWT), allow him/her from me (Tirmidhi)

Have you asked Allah to protect you from the Hellfire today, three times? If you did the Hellfire will say: Oh Allah, protect him/her from me(Tirmidhi)

Did you read a Hadith about the Prophet (s.a.w.s) today?

Haven’t you thought about being away from those who are evil doers?

Have you tried to avoid laughing and joking too much or too often?

Did you thank Allah (SWT) for bestowing on you the hearing, sight, heart, and all the other gifts?

Did you pay charity today to the poor and needy?

Did you get angry for your own sake or for the sake of Allah (SWT)?

Did you avoid arrogance and self admiration?

Have you cried today out of the fearness of Allah (SWT)?

Did you mention Allah (SWT) after Fajr or Isha prayer?

Have you asked Allah (SWT) to forgive you from the sins and transgressions that you have committed, by making (astaghfar), seeking forgiveness from sins?

Did you ask Allah (SWT) sincerely and honestly today to grant you shahadat (martyrdom)? The Prophet (s.a.w.s) said: the one who asks Allah (SWT) sincerely grant him/her shahadat, Allah (SWT) will grant it to him/her even though he/she dies in his/her bed. (Muslim)

Did you ask Allah (SWT) to stabilize your heart and your religion?

Did you take the opportunity to make dua (supplication) in the hours that Allah (SWT) accepts them?

Did you buy a new Islamic book for the sake of learning from it the knowledge of the religion?

Muhammad Faaleh.

Life is a real mystery.

Since I have been here in Malaysia, I cant stop thinking why i choosed this university out of all i got and that also, so far from my own country. Was I running away from something I didn't want to face?! Or Simply was i kindof fedup with keep trying to fight destiny.. I wonder.. One thing am sure is that am really happy to be away from all these. These referring to things that have been making my life a real living hell. Since I came back from Pakistan in 2006, my life was going on smoothly till some day in 2007, my destiny took a pretty curve in the wrong direction. Life is a mystery because you can't always expect things going on as you want it to be, and that's maybe what i don't want to understand. In April 2007 i came across someone who made me feel alive inside, like making my heart beat for real. Maybe I was too afraid to lose that someone that i started to act like a real yep that is true afterall, you don't obviously want to lose someone you care so much about. It did not take so long before i realise life isn't going to give you whatever you want to of course but still then, i did not lose hopes. Yea i know, Hopes are what keep fouls alive but i don't care. :) The only problem here is that I don't know much about that person in reality, just some sms, phone calls but i feel completely a different person when talking to her, it's just like it's real me. Well I dont expect most of you to have ever experience such kind of feeling, but if you had, then you might be understanding what i mean here. Well you can guess the ending would be disastrous as the real feelings were just one-sided. Maybe she is right afterall, i don't even know her completely but truely am sure and certain that in knowing her more, i would be respecting her more & more. If you ask me, what i see in her that much , I won't be able to express it, i tried but never been able to translate the language of the heart in the human's language; sorry dudes. And that's the sole reason i went so far from my own country in a way to escape things, but in turn out to be the life goes on but will i ever forget her? Will I ever be able to become a normal person again? I just can't help keep wondering.. Cheers