Fortunately not me, as I've learned throughout my experiences is that life is what we make of it, and not what other people decide for us to be life. I can't disagree that in some contexts, it is mostly better to follow the mass crowd but when it concerns your life and the way you live, I think you can decide that on your own if you are not in any ways neglecting the social norms which would eventually turn you in a social outcast if you persist.
Here I'm speaking about how to spice up your life so that you don't feel like you are the same as the other ants working and living the same routines everyday. How can we make as if everyday is a new day with loads of exciting things to discover, to experience? How about we inject some new blood in this imagination of ours who already been corrupted by our traditions and habits?
I'm not saying not to do anything that goes against your principles but rather how to tune it so that you feel special within yourself, you know you've aims to accomplish and everyday you try to find new ways, new tactics to achieve them? I bet it gonna be as exciting & awesome as you might think.
Let's Consider this questions and ponder over them: Is your daily routine starting to get too predictable?

Here are a few simple things you can do, without altering your routine too much. I am not suggesting that you consider all of them! Depending on your personality and life style there may be things you might/might not want to try out.
1. Vary your travel routine. Do you always take the train to work? Can you take the bus instead? Do you vary it much, if at all?
2. Do you always read the sports page first? Change your reading routine.
3. Vary your television and radio routine. Never watch TV at 3 am? You’ll be amazed at what’s on!
4. Go to a strange restaurant or go to a familiar restaurant and order something totally different from your usual.
5. Try out a new recipe you've been meaning to try.
6. Get up on the other side of your bed (if there’s no wall!)
7. Always eat cereal for breakfast? Try some fruits with it or have something different for a change.
8. Volunteer your time. Giving back to your community or find a charitable organization which could use a pair of hands.
9. Learn a new language
10. Just do nothing! Sit in the porch!
11. Rearrange your desk or furniture around
12. Clean! Your room, file cabinet, wardrobe etc.
13. Dance; Jive, waltz or just shake your booty!
14. Sing in the shower!
15. Organize; hard disk, kitchen knives etc
16. Change your writing spot e.g. blogging
17. Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in ages or make a few calls to people who would be happy to hear from you (like your mother!)
18. Make conversation with a stranger
19. Try a crossword or sudoko puzzle
20. Go for a spiritual service
21. Say a prayer
22. Take a short nap at an odd time.
23. Look into the sky... observe the stars!
24. Read a random page on wikipedia
25. Are you good at playing the piano? Guitar? Learn a new musical instrument.
26. Go to a library or a bookstore and browse some books.
27. Do a random act of kindness every day (a simple, small favor). Make it anonymous if possible.
28. Add something new to your regular exercise routine.
29. Babysit for a friend.
30. Visit a museum
Any ideas you can add to this list, and share with others?

Make a list of a few things you've been meaning to do. See how you can add them to garnish your day with some variety...
30. Visit a museum
Any ideas you can add to this list, and share with others?

Make a list of a few things you've been meaning to do. See how you can add them to garnish your day with some variety...
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